
Blogs & websites


Self-sufficiency in Finland

North by North 


Self-sufficiency in Asturias

Spinning a Spanish yarn


Chicken advice



Interesting gardening tools


All things scythe


All things bread


Flour mills



Egg storage 


Wonderful and occasionally weird herbs (& fruit trees/bushes)


Heathers, blueberries, fruit trees and hedge plants 






The Really Garlicky Company



Gardening & self-sufficiency

DG Hessayon. The new vegetable & herb expert and The new fruit expert
Martin Crawford. Creating a forest garden
David Tresemer. The scythe book 
John Seymour. The new complete book of self-sufficiency

Cooking, baking & preserving

Good Housekeeping Cookery Book
Alys Fowler. Abundance 
Andrew Whitley. Bread matters and Do sourdough
Judith Wills. The garden to kitchen expert 

Biography & non-fiction (RGL relevant)

Alice Herdan-Zuckmayer. The farm in the green mountains
Gilbert Livingstone WilsonBuffalo Bird Woman's garden
John Wyatt. The shining levels

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If you've tried something after reading about it here, or have suggestions, please tell us about it!