
We had a fair few tools before we embarked on this way of life, but not everything we needed!

Listed here are some specialist tools we’ve since acquired and would recommend. One piece of advice for all: beware false economy, buy the very best you can afford.

Planting spade

In the garden

For preparing ground 

Good-quality fork (digging)

For weeding

Push hoe (for between planted rows)
Cape cod weeder (fine stuff, in beds)

For planting

Planting spade (trees and shrubs)
Ho-Mi - Korean hand plough (seedlings, bulbs and small stuff)

For mowing

Austrian scythe
Peening anvil
Leaf hands (gathering mulch)

For fencing

Digging bar/pinch (also useful for many other things, such as shifting big logs about)
Post driver

In the kitchen

Hedge wines fermenting

For jam/jelly making

Steam juicer
Maslin pan
Jam funnel

For drying herbs, veg and fruit

Electric dehydrator

For making crisps and pickles

Mandolin slicer

For salads

Salad spinner

For home brewing

Fermentation locks
Racking cane
Syphon hose
Bottling wand

Splitting disks

Wood processing

For cutting

Chain saw
Crosscut saw
Bow saw

For splitting

Splitting wedge

For transporting into the house

Log carriers (simply made from tough canvas with plastic lining)

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